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Where reproductive health meets mental health.

Our blog includes family building and reproductive psychology tools, tips, and insights.

We hope you find these resources helpful.

Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

Workplace and Fertility Treatment

If you are going through fertility treatment and are pretty overwhelmed, with balancing fertility treatment and work, and you're not quite sure how to communicate, here are some examples of ways you could start.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

How to get over the Grief of Pregnancy Loss

Many people will ask “how do I get over this grief?” Grief is one of those emotions that doesn't have any limits. It comes in many forms, and can be intertwined with other emotions. Here are some ways that can help you start to build a relationship with your grief.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

Recurring Pregnancy Loss: What to Know from a Mental Health lens

Recurrent pregnancy loss is a devastating experience that 1-2% of people will go through. So many of my patients have had to go through this. Many keep trying, and sometimes things finally do go according to plan. If that happens, you might expect yourself to be over the moon, excited even.

But what if you aren’t? What if you’re feeling the exact opposite? This post is going to help with those emotions.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

How to go off a substance before fertility treatment

Many of my patients simply want to give themselves the best possible chance of a successful treatment, and sometimes that might mean giving up that glass or two of wine every evening or the second cup of coffee during the day.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

3 Fertility Treatment Myths you shouldn’t believe

With the patients that come through my practice, I get a lot of questions about things they may have read on social media about fertility treatment, or heard from friends that just are not true. Here are the three fertility treatment myths I hear about and why they’re not true.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

3 Best Tips for Couples Going Through Infertility

It is critical that when you’re going through your family journey you work as a team. When you are in a partnership navigating the infertility avalanche is much easier when you navigate together. So here are my top 3 tips for couples going through infertility.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

How Stressful is Infertility?

We know that infertility is extremely stressful and can lead to things like anxiety and depression, even trauma. Here’s a breakdown of what stressors you can come across.

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Linda Kondilis Linda Kondilis

What does a Fertility Counselor do?

You might needing some help while on your fertility journey. Or maybe you’re studying mental health and looking for a specialty, but not sure which to choose. So what does a fertility counselor actually do? We’re going to go over this in this post.

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