Navigating the Infertility Avalanche
A free webinar for coping strategies to help you on your family building journey.
If you have just been diagnosed with infertility, or have been going through your infertility journey for a while now, then this free webinar is for you.
Maybe you’re frustrated, and even feeling isolated, because those around you have no experience with what you’re going through. You might be feeling overwhelmed about all the emotions you’re feeling because things are just not going the way you planned.
To overcome these feelings of:
and Overwhelm…
…you need an expert guide to help you recognize these emotions and how to cope with them.
What you’ll learn
Navigating the Infertility Avalanche covers these topics:
✓ The most common emotional challenges you may face and how to face them
✓ The 4 most common emotional traps you could fall in and how not to succumb to them
✓Our 2-step method to healthy coping during your journey
✓ How to prevent burnout during your family building journey
This webinar will help you navigate through the avalanche of emotions infertility can throw at you, whether at diagnosis or while going through treatment.
Discover the 2 Step Method to Healthy Coping Strategies for Infertility
Infertility and reproductive health, in general, is silenced in our society. Most insurances and employers don’t cover fertility treatment or fertility counseling. We’ve decided to share our signature techniques in this free webinar to help you be able to cope with the ups and downs of infertility and fertility treatment.
Maybe you’ve tried speaking to friends or family about what you’re going through.
Maybe you’ve even tried a general counselor.
But none of these have worked, and maybe you’ve felt even worse or more confused afterwards.
Don’t give up…

Sign Up to Get Expert Guidance on Your Infertility Journey
The best way to find coping strategies for your infertility journey is by having a specialized professional in your corner. Someone who has made it their life’s work to help individuals and couples during their family-building journeys.
And that’s exactly what Navigating the Infertility Avalanche is.
Who are we?
Orama Wellness is filling the Mental Health Gap in Fertility Treatment
We’re on a mission to help individuals and couples learn the tools and techniques to manage their mental health during the roller coaster of emotions that can arise during infertility and fertility treatments.
At Orama Wellness, we provide compassionate online fertility counseling you can access from the comfort of your home.
This free webinar was built with you in mind by Dr. Linda Kondilis, psychologist, fertility counselor, and owner of Orama Wellness.
Linda has been in the fertility psychology space for over ten years and has been a guest speaker and lecturer at many nationally recognized reproductive centers and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
At the intersection of mental and fertility health, Linda found few resources for individuals and couples during their fertility treatments. This compelled Dr. Kondilis to create this free webinar.
The webinar takes 35 minutes, but you can go at your own pace.
That’s the beauty of it. It’s FREE.
Get the Webinar Now.
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